(English text follows) 2016 Μαθήματα Powerpoint για μαθητές και ενήλικες Τα παιδιά σήμερα χρησιμοποιούν με άνεση τον Η/Υ. Έχουν όμως αναπτύξει πραγματικές και χρήσιμες ηλεκτρονικέ
December is the time when students receive their first formal progress report. Even though they receive daily feedback from their teachers based on their class performance and homework, the report is more formal and complete. We recommend parents to go through all the teacher’s comments with you
Οι μαθητές των Αγγλικών μας συμμετέχουν στο ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙ ΡΟΜΠΟΤΙΚΗΣ στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Εβδομάδας Ρομποτικής 2015. #ERW2915 Στις 23 & 24 Νοεμβρίου, μαθητές των επ
Πληροφορούμε τους μαθητές μας ότι τα διπλώματα των εξετάσεων IGCSE (Μάιος 2015) βρίσκονται στο φροντιστήριο και μπορούν να τα παραλάβουν από τη διεύθυνση! Συγχαίρουμε Ο
Why learn a second language if you can get along with English? It is true English is the survivors’ language in nearly every (large) city on Earth. However, if you want to create an unforgettable, authentic travelling experience, you will definitely need a connection with the locals: their languag
Education and training never end at G.E. English Centre. On Saturday, September 19, educators from our school participated at the first international workshop on PLAYING CLIL in Cyprus, organized by the Interacting Theatre in Education Company (Madrid) and the Association for Historical Dialogue and
Teachers, drivers, classes, buses and books are ready to welcome all our English language students in September. Make sure you bring your pencil case, note book and all your energy for a new year filled with learning adventures!
Find out more about the new courses that start in October: – English for Professionals – English IELTS (Academic and General Training) – French – German – Italian – Russian Register to the 2nd and 3rd course with half fees. For further information and registration
We often get excited seeing our kids mastering our (or even their) electronic devices. Their engagement with a tablet has even been a relief for us, especially when it offers a moment of quietness at home or at a restaurant. It is a fact that a child should learn how to spend some time alone; [&hell
Για μια ακόμη φορά, οι μαθητές μας μας κάνουν περήφανους! Συγχαίρουμε ΟΛΟΥΣ τους μαθητές μας για τις ψηλές τους επιδόσεις στις εξετάσεις IGCSE, ιδιαίτερα στους ΝΕΑΡΟΤ
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