Communicate with confidence and change your life! Total Number of Training Hours: 50 (4 hours / week)Duration: 3 months (21 January – 10 April 2025)Every Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-10:30 am Course Fees: €480 (paid in 2 installments of €240) [less than €10 per hour] Course Content:
Συγχαρητήρια, παιδιά μαςΗ Ομάδα του φροντιστηρίου μας του προγράμματος Δημιουργικής Τεχνολογίας κέρδισε την 3η θέση και βαθμολογία 98/100 στον Παγκύπριο διαγωνισμό
Every Tuesday 10:30-12:00 Improve your spoken English over coffee! Do you want to enhance your spoken communication in English without going through traditional teaching? Join our informal English chats at G.E. English Centre every Tuesday 10:30-12:00 Fee: €20 / session (1,5 hour) Reservation requ
Our School has been an accredited Cambridge Preparation School for several years. Our special learning philosophy, our teachers’ dedication and our students’ amazing performance at the international English language exams have made our school a Cambridge&nbs
Ομάδα μαθητών μας της Δημιουργικής Τεχνολογίας (Δ-Στ Δημοτικού) έλαβε μέρος στην παγκύπρια διοργάνωση #RobotexCY με θέμα «Διαχείριση Αποβλήτων». Έκαναν την
Join one of our adult groups that start in February 2022! Both groups are short and intensive, for maximum and fast results! English for Beginners50 hours, 6 hours/week (2 months Feb & Mar) English for Professional Purposes50 hours, 4 hours/week (3 months, Feb-Apr) Fees: €480 per student (paid
Registrations are now open! The timetable for September 2021 is now available. You can call us on 24636280, reserve your place and choose the days and times of your preference. English from 4 years old Creative Technology and Robotics IGCSE / IELTS Business and Professional English Larnaka
Our school is a proud Cambridge Examination Centre in Larnaka. This means that our students can take their Cambridge English exams at our school premises, in a warm environment where they feel comfortable. We are truly happy to see our students achieving higher levels of English, without being slowe
Εάν το παιδί σας πρέπει να μείνει σε αυτοπεριορισμόΕάν το παιδί σας παρουσιάζει συμπτώματα γρίπης ή κρυολογήματοςΕάν προτιμάτε να περιορίσετε τις επαφές του παιδ
Ετοιμαζόμαστε για άλλη μια φανταστική χρονιά γεμάτη όμορφες εμπειρίες μάθησης και ανάπτυξης πολλαπλών δεξιοτήτων! Είμαστε πλήρως προετοιμασμένοι να διασφαλίσου