Increase your turnover and advance your professional profile. Invest in improving your language skills in English or Russian!
By summer 2017 you will be ahead of competition!
Professional EnglishTake your career a step further! – Improve your communication with customers and colleagues Students are required to be able to communicate in English in order to attend these groups. 2017 FAST TRACK PROGRAM |
RussianBuild stronger relations with Russian speaking clients and colleagues and advance your career! Students are able to communicate in Russian on daily matters in no time! Special focus is given on the specialized needs for professionals (tourism, banking, accounting, law, retail, real estate). 2017 FAST TRACK PROGRAM |
*15% discount to unemployed persons | Special business packages (3+ employees from the same company).
Get more information and reserve your place at 24636280 or
View more classes for adults here (French, German, Italian, Greek).

image by Dennis Skley